This was my first real project. I had a shiny red Ibanez bass. Thought it needed a little personalization.
I tore it apart(remembering to make a diagram of the wiring) and started thinking of how to make it a little more Irish. I thought the flag might be a good start.
I figured it best to start with a white base since the flags middle color is white.
Next was the orange side of the flag. It was quite easy to tape a straight line across the bass.
The green side was just about the same way. It was a little more difficult because of the shorter side, but still not bad.
After these colors where done I had wanted a few pictures to be on here. To draw them on it may prove to be difficult, so instead I decided to go visit a sticker shop. I submitted the drawings I had made and found then cut them into stickers.
Once I had these stickers made it was easy to put them on to the bass and get them centered just the way I wanted them. Then spray on the clear coat to make sure the stickers would not peel up.
Now it was just a matter of putting it all back together.
And It was time to play my bass once again.
In all it cost about $25 to $30. The stickers were the most expensive part of the whole project. Its not cheap to make stickers if you are only making one or two. They cost about $15 for three. The rest was paint and clear coat. I used Krylon spray paint and it seems to hold up quite well. It still looks just as good now as it did the first day it was finished. I personally only wanted to use satin paint, so I did not get the high shine.
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